Camp Zoofari Extras - Tween

Monday June 16

Other dates...

9:00 AM  –  4:00 PM



Camp extras such as extended care, t-shirts, bags, and lunches can be purchased using this registration form. This will allow registration and payment for these closer to time for camp sessions.


The purchase deadline is Monday at NOON, ONE FULL WEEK PRIOR to the session.

Order what you need according to the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK you need it, as we will use the weekly roster to prepare.  


Camp shirts - are no longer required nor automatically provided with registration, but can be purchased separately here.

Camp cinch bags - one bag will be issued per day camper per summer. Additional bags can be purchased here.  

Camp lunches: The Mesker Park Zoo Rainforest Grill can provide a hot lunch for your full-day camper any day of the week.

On the registration form, enter the number of lunches you wish to purchase, and you will note which days you want a lunch in the registration form.

Lunch is NOT available for the MINI half-day camps. 

Lunch Menu: $10/day; $50/week


All meals include a Dasani bottled water and two of the following: apple sauce, cookie, or chips.

  • Monday- Cheeseburger
  • Tuesday- Hot dog
  • Wednesday- Chicken tenders (3)
  • Thursday- Mini corn dogs (5)
  • Friday- Cheese pizza slice


Extended care:

Enrollment in extended care is guaranteed for any registered full-day camper ages 6-10 or tween campers ages 11-13.

Extended care is NOT available for the MINI half-day camps.  


Care is provided 7:30 a.m. - 5 :30 p.m. Please report accurate pickup / drop off times in the registration form, and call us to notify us of changes so that we have staff available and alert to watch for your arrival. Please be on time. If you have any changes, you can call and leave a message at 812-435-0809. Note that staff will be out of the office attending to our campers, and may not get your message immediately.



  • Before you begin registration, please log in if you are a member. If you are not logged in, your membership discount will not apply.
  • You can only register for one week of camp extras at time. There is no "Other Dates" link. Register your camper(s) for a week of extras, and add it to your cart. Then go back and register your camper(s) again for each camp week for which you need extras.
  • For each week of camp, you can click on "copy information to all registrants" or "same as above" to autofill entries for multiple campers.


  • When registering for multiple dates, it can be tricky. Tips: 
    1. Start with ONLY the first page of date/location options.  Enter 1 for each date/location. Click on "Register". Enter registration info. Click on "Add to cart".
    2. If you have all the date/locations you need, click on "Checkout".
    3. If you need to register for more dates you will click on "Continue shopping"Go to the second page of date/location options.  Enter 1 for each day/location.  Click on "Register". You can click on the dropdown menu at the top of the data entry form to choose info to autofill. Click on "Add to cart".
    4. Click on "Checkout".  All of them should then be in your cart, and you can check out.  

